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AFFLUX孵化器携手MAP Protocol举办韩国Demo Day,以加速推进亚太业务

由AFFLUX?主办、全链基础设施MAP Protocol特别赞助、PlatON、InVar Finance倾力相助、数十家Web3风投机构、媒体大力支持的Web3韩国专场路演即将在3月22日正式开启

AFFLUX孵化器携手MAP Protocol举办韩国Demo Day,以加速推进亚太业务

由 AFFLUX 主办、全链基础设施 MAP Protocol特别 赞助、PlatON、InVar Finance 倾力相助、数十家 Web3 风投机构、媒体大力支持的 Web3 韩国专场路演即将在 3 月 22 日正式开启,来自全球各地的 30 个项目入围赛场、下一个点爆韩国 Web3 市场的项目即将诞生!

众所周知,韩国是全球区块链和加密货币的重要市场,拥有庞大的用户群、开发者和投资者,他们对Web3技术有高度的兴趣和认知。韩国Web3产业涵盖了金融、游戏、娱乐、社交、内容等多个领域,已经产生了许多优秀的平台、项目和应用程序,例如 ICON、Terra、Klaytn 和 Solana。

我们很高兴地宣布,我们将在韩国举办一场主题为“NEW FUTURE OF WEB3”的Demo Day,旨在展示韩国Web3行业的最新发展和趋势和促进韩国Web3资源的流通。本次Demo Day将为参与者提供一个难得的机会,我们将邀请Web3相关领域的专家、创业者和媒体人作为嘉宾,并介绍一些有潜力的初创公司案例,为投资者、开发者和用户提供一个交流和合作的平台。


AFFLUX孵化器携手MAP Protocol举办韩国Demo Day,以加速推进亚太业务

Demo Day 将汇集来自加密领域的数十家协办方和近 30 家风险投资机构、数十家媒体机构以及 30个 Web3 早期项目。预计Demo Day的总流量将超过60万,覆盖绝大多数对该领域感兴趣的Web3用户和Web2用户。

今天,AFFLUX正式公布了本次Demo Day的入围项目名单!


InVar Finance :Hybrid Finance Protocol Based On Real-World-Asset Tokenization.

Daren Market :The world's first on-chain market for Web3 community & business

One Satoshi :Creating the next Crypto Bank

Litra Finance :Litra is creating deep NFT liquidity using advanced bonding curves and veToken model to provide NFT Liquidity as a Service and empower NFT pricing and solve the low liquidity issue of the NFT market

Muverse :Muverse is a community-driven Web3.0 interactive music platform. Muverse's vision is to facilitate the free trade of global music NFTs.

Gameland :Gameland is a beacon for game developers to connect players socially

Bitwala :The Web3 wallet for Bitcoin.

Open Games Builders :Marketplace, GameFi, EduFi, Metaverse

OpenBiSea :Game Studio and Multi-chain NFT auctions in all-in-one place to cut any NFT deal in a few clicks

Rambox :The world's first NFTfi automated high-yield platform will be launched soon. Positioned as an NFTfi-focused liquidity aggregation protocol, Rambox is an automated NFTfi income vault operation system.

Getaverse :Getaverse is a metaverse ecological service platform based on the Web3 digital authentication engine protocol.

Buk Technology :Buk Technology

SEER :WEB3 Social Value Discovery Protocols

Jaypigs :Jaypigs is a cross-chain NFT renting platform. We connect NFT platforms to NFT liquidity across multiple chains while lowering the barrier to entry for users and provide them with cheap utility.

Lithium :The web3 community platform. Lithium enables projects to align their communities as a lever of marketing. Through gamification, AI matchmaking algorithms, and comprehensive analytics, Lithium allows projects to quantify their community with metric such as CAC, LTV, and monetisation forecasts.

Topia :Topia is the first dStorage Layer2 based on OP. Topia will greatly improve the interoperability of smart contracts and distributed storage, scale Ethereum's data storage capabilities while significantly reducing on-chain storage costs. Ultimately achieve fully on-chain applications and personal data sovereignty.

MetaTrust Labs :MetaTrust has built the world's first comprehensive Web3 security solution, completely covering SDLC.

MyShell :We are building a decentralized voice chatbot platform where everyone can create their own digital twin.

Mendax :Mendax is the first platform that allows users to create games with AI in under 1 hour.

Merlin Protocol :MerlinProtocol is a cutting-edge issuance and matchmaking platform that focuses on RWA-Backed NFTs.

MEEET :A Blockchain Game Platform Based On Social Relationships. Provide massive game products and services, and jointly build an open MEEET game ecosystem.

SWAGGA :SWAGGA is a social entertainment metaverse featuring Swag-To-Earn and F.A.S (Fashion, Amusement, Social) at its core, providing one-stop immersive metaverse design and strategies for Web3 & Web2 brands to connect with target communities and individuals

EtherScore :A decentralized reputation system using Soulbound tokens

Inferna :The first gamified social media

KIP Engine :KIP is the most advanced web based 3D engine and tools for building cross-platform on-chain games.

Asteria Finance Lab :Asteria is a decentralized protocol and an incubator, building a quantitative options-based DeFi infrastructure and ecosystem. Asteria's vision is to introduce quantitative models and trading strategies into the DeFi industry.

Dmgdata:dmgdata is Web3 Digital Marketing Data Service Provider. Aiming for DID & marketing tools.

KNN3 Network:KNN3 Network is a one-stop Web3 Data solution for d/Apps and smart contracts. KNN3 allows d/Apps & smart contracts to interact with cross-platform user-centric data in multiple algo-friendly ways.

ERA.GAME:ERA.Game is a play-to-earn turn based strategy game on the Ethereum and Polygon Blockchain. The cross-chain technology enables player assets to flow between the blockchains using a smart contract which allows the networks to interact seamlessly.

SuiPad:The Premier Launchpad for Tier 1 Projects on @SuiNetwork, with innovative Insurance Protocol, Vesting Marketplace, Staking & Tiering.

我们向所有被选中参加即将到来的 Demo Day 的项目表示诚挚的祝贺。我们热切期待在这个享有盛誉的活动中见证您的出色表现。

对于那些错过申请截止日期的项目,我们鼓励您随时了解 AFFLUX 即将开展的活动。在整个 2023 年,我们将在全球不同地区举办Demo Day,我们期待在未来与您互动。此外,热烈欢迎项目团队和投资机构与我们联系,探讨潜在的合作机会。

活动结束后,所有相关的项目资料、投融资信息、合作伙伴要求以及Demo Day的全面回顾都将在AFFLUX官方网站上发布,请保持关注。

关于 AFFLUX 演示日

感谢MAP ProtocolPlatONInVar Finance对本次活动的大力赞助,

MAP Protocol 在跨链通讯方案上具有不可比拟的优越性,是目前跨链赛道中是唯一能实现全链覆盖、达到 100 % 基于中本聪共识级别的区块链跨链验证、安全性最高的全链基础设施。

此外目前可以在AFFLUX官网进行免费注册您的项目,从而进行Web3资源的快速流动 。

MAP Protocol

MAP Protocol (MAPO) is the omnichain layer for Web3. 100% Nakamoto Style cross-chain communication built on Light-client & ZK technology with zero privileged roles. By connecting both EVM and non-EVM public chains, MAPO empowers dApp developers to thrive in Web3 with a full suite of omnichain SDKs.


PlatON was initiated and promoted by the LatticeX Foundation. Based on the basic properties of the blockchain and supported by a privacy-preserving computing network, PlatON provides the next-generation Internet basic protocol featuring “computing interoperability”.

InVar Finance

InVar Finance envisions to build hybrid financial infrastructure and platform by bridging real economy into crypto space, first launched RWA tokenization world- InVaria2222, and bring fractionalized real estate NFT as novel investment vehicle.


AFFLUX是一家总部位于新加坡、在欧洲和北美设有分支机构的Web3孵化器。 AFFLUX由加密VC、投资人、创业者、美国大学教授等发起,目前AFFLUX生态内共有400多家区块链项目、100多家VC,和15000+社区成员。AFFLUX 意味着永无止境的流动。我们通过活跃的资源流动和全生命周期的定制化服务来为更多早期项目赋能,多样且广泛的资源网络来支持项目发展。我们将为我们的客户提供多元的项目所需资源.


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